When I am on social media (Twitter/Facebook mostly), I spend time holding my tongue. I come across many asinine and non-factual opinions, and sometimes, I am itching to respond, but often times I do not. If I disagree wth the popular opinion of a major trending topic, I am more likely to stay silent than voice my disagreement.
I say these words, in enlightenment of getting blocked by an editor/writer during the Golden Globes 2o17 broadcast. My crime--I disagreed that their was a conspiracy against the black actors at the awards show. Pardon me for not taking these things seriously. Btw, I too believed Sterling K. Brown and Courtney B. Vance were robbed for the People v. OJ Simpson. But, every year,. I think someone is robbed of acclaim. No need for black people to lose our heads over this. Nonetheless, this writer/editor, whose posts I mostly heart/favorite/retweet, decided that my one tweet to her on the topic was worth my blackballing. Petty! Anyway, for me this confirms some of my worst fears about the so-called 'Social Justice Warriors.' (SJW) There is a group-think mentality going on. Do not get me wrong, because I agree with many of their concerns/causes. My problem is that spaces like Twitter are becoming a gang-turf, wherein large scores of people "drag" individulas whose opinions they do not like. How is this attitude different from the trolls/alt-right who do the same--attack those who disagree? When people are afraid to disagree, and must like or retweet the popular opinion, regardless of their feelings on the matter, then we're screwed. My fear is that one day I will say something to get "dragged" on Twitter. So far, this was my closest experience to dragging. Nonetheless, as I said about this editor/writer on Twitter--I lost respect for her. Rather than respond in a civilized manner to say she disagreed, she chose to block me right off the bat. Perhaps, I am not important enough for her to engage me; after all, I noticed many trolls/SJW pick wars with famous people, so they can boost their resume/followers by association. Imagine--a famous person responding to you and having the argument germinated across the web, on tabloid websites and elsewhere? This is what many individuals live for on platforms like Twitter. Like trolls under the bridge, they're searching for their 15-minutes of fame by creating faux (false) controversies, false outrages and click-bait articles. Sure, I have considered throwing shit to boost my profile. Ultimately, it's not who I am, and I do not want to waste my energy/sell my soul for social media fame, regardless of the rewards that may lie ahead. In conclusion, I'll say. Please know it's better to stand up for your convictions than fall into groupthink. It's easy to fall into groupthink for the sake of being on the "cool" or the "right" side, but everyone is entitled to their opinions, and no one should be intimidated and bullied out of theirs. I am not talking about facts and truth here, because these things are not subjective (sorry DJT).. I am talking about an opinion--a disagreement about a topic. I pride myself on my ability to reason/rationalize, and I will always keep an open mind and a balanced perspective on everything, including race, regardless of who might not like it, might block me, or drag me. #staywoke Ps. Girl outside the box, forever. km. Copyright ©kmm2024-2026