I discovered reaction channels during the pandemic. These are channels where newbies to a series watch the series for the first time, and you, the oldie, watch along with them, relishing their reaction to your favorite series, plot twists and discoveries.
Long live vicarious nostalgia. It's something that comes with age. Wishing you were discovering old loves anew. Sometimes wonder if it would be better to be a teenager today or back in the 2000s-2010s. In a way, older millennials (b. pre-1990) are the last generation to experience a childhood away from the Internet. That's always a bonus. We're in late stage captalism. Millennials (and especially zoomers) are the children at the end of history. We've peaked as a civilization, and the culture is being decontructed and folded inward, which means nothing is new, exciting, and original anymore. Everything is rehashed and rebooted, and stale. But the zoomers, and especially Gen Alpha, can create a new world from the ashes of the old-- god help us with these cyborg children and their obsession with hyperreality. In the meantime, I like seeing these younger people find value in old things. Read my article: hyperreality and cyborg children
"I have seen things you people would not believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulders of Orion. I watched c-beams in the dark near Tannhauser Gate. All these moments are lost in time like tears in the rain. Time to die." -Batty (Blade Runner, 1982).